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Shop our used endoscopy stacks and rigid and flexible endoscopes to suit the needs of endoscopy clinics and veterinary practices in the UK and overseas. Our used endoscopy equipment offers a cost-effective solution and is inspected, serviced, and quality assured by our medical engineers. Each retail sale also comes with a warranty as standard.

3 month warranty

Engineer inspected

Specially selected
for retail

Packing & shipping

Installation & Maintenance
options available

Shop our used endoscopy stacks and rigid and flexible endoscopes to suit the needs of endoscopy clinics and veterinary practices in the UK and overseas. Our used endoscopy equipment offers a cost-effective solution and is inspected, serviced, and quality assured by our medical engineers. Each retail sale also comes with a warranty as standard.

45001 Certified For Health & Safety Management
ISO 9001 Quality Management accreditation
ISO 14001 Certified For Environment Management
ISO 13485 Certified For Medical Devices Quality Management
Cyber Essentials Plus certified
Good Business Charter Accreditation