Our European wide services providing a complete and sustainable resale solution.
Our multilingual teams source quality equipment from private and public hospitals and healthcare providers across Europe. We offer European wide logistics, local currency sales and the peace of mind that all transactions are securely regulated by country specific legislations.
United Kingdom
Hilditch Group Ltd
Gloucester Road Trading Estate
Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 9JT
Tel: +44(0)1666 822577
Email: sales@hilditchgroup.com
Hilditch Iberia
Rambla, 151
08202 Sabadell – Barcelona
Tel: +34 644 128 492
Email: ventas@hilditch.es
Hilditch Deutschland GmbH
Siegelsberger Strasse 87,
71540 Murrhardt
Email: vertrieb@hilditch.de
Hilditch France
320 Rue Saint-Honoré,
75001 Paris, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 87 21 90 01
Email: ventes@hilditch.fr