Project overview
We recently had the pleasure of assisting Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, with the clearance of a former Covid-19 testing facility in Gateshead. This was a unique project due to the size, weight and specialised nature of the laboratory equipment involved.
The project was overseen by Jamie Howes, Operations Manager, and Danny O’Brien, Onsite Manager, both of whom brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the task. Under their leadership, the site clearance was a resounding success and delivered profitable results for the Trust.
Site clearance process
Step 1: securing the site
The first step was to implement security measures, ensuring that only authorised personnel could access the site. When clearing sites, security is important for two reasons:
- Safety and compliance: the site may contain material that needs to be disposed of securely, for example biohazardous substances or confidential patient information.
- Preventing theft: vacant sites can attract unwanted attention from trespassers or vandals looking for valuable equipment and scrap materials.
Implementing security measures helps mitigate these risks.
Step 2: conducting an inventory assessment
Once security was engaged, we conducted a thorough inventory assessment of the laboratory equipment. This process involved:
- Itemising and photographing all unaffixed assets at the site.
- Evaluating whether equipment is reusable or not – reusable equipment can be sold on the second-hand market, while non-reusable equipment is recycled or disposed of responsibly.
- Estimating the value of each piece of equipment.
This ensures an efficient approach to the site clearance, while maintaining compliance with relevant regulations.
Step 3: decommissioning and removal of equipment
The team collaborated with the Trust engineers to safely decommission, deinstall and remove all unaffixed assets. The project included the successful removal of all equipment, including 13 automated molecular diagnostic testing system units.
Step 4: sell reusable equipment
Once the site was cleared, we worked closely with our sales and marketing team to sell all reusable equipment via one of our sales channels. Each item was assessed for its suitability to be sold via auction, or targeted direct sale, to achieve maximum value. As a result, the project exceeded the cost-neutral target, generating a £10,000 profit for the Trust.
Step 5: recycle or dispose of non-reusable equipment
During the site clearance, we ensured that all non-reusable equipment was either recycled or disposed of responsibly –
- Cardboard, plastics, mixed recycling and paper were sent to a materials recycling facility for sorting, shredding and processing.
- Glass was sent to a dedicated glass recycling facility for crushing, smelting and reconversion into new glass products.
- General waste was taken to a transfer station where recyclable materials such as textiles, metal and wood, were separated and reprocessed and remaining materials were sent to a waste energy facility in Avonmouth for incineration. The energy generated powers homes in Avonmouth and Bristol while the ash, the only element left in the process, is repurposed by the concrete manufacturing industry.
Sustainability is at the heart of what we do, and we understand the importance of the circular economy in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to reducing emissions, preventing waste and supporting the NHS’ ambition to reach net-zero targets.
Want to know more about the site clearance process? Our Managing Director, Mike Hilditch, recently wrote an insightful guide to managing site clearances – read it here.
Key takeaways
The site clearance was a significant undertaking, and success relied on meticulous planning, flexibility in execution and collaboration with a number of internal, and external stakeholders. Jamie and Danny led the team to successfully deliver an efficient service, and profitable results for the Trust. We look forward to partnering with Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust again.
Need to arrange a site clearance? We have an experienced team that can help. Contact us for a chat.